Horseshoe Throwing
Horseshoe Throwing
Price per launch track (Maximum 5 Participants)
Maximum 5 people per launch lane.
Please register 15 minutes before play time.
Horseshoe throwing is a fun and competitive activity that dates back centuries. The objective of the game is to throw a horseshoe towards a target, a steel stake stuck in the ground and in an area specially designed for the game.
Players alternate throws, trying to throw the horseshoe so that it goes around or as close as possible to the target post. The proximity of the iron to the stake determines the number of points scored. The horseshoe that completely surrounds the stake, forming a "clamp", scores the most points, followed by the horseshoes that are closest to the stake.
Horseshoe tossing is a game that can be played by all skill levels, from casual amateurs to professional competitions. It offers a unique combination of competition and camaraderie, and players often engage in lively discussions during the game.